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Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic & Anti-Spasmodic

Home »  Products » Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic & Anti-Spasmodic  » TENDOSTAR-FORTE Tablet


Collagen Peptide Type 1 40mg+ Sodium Hyaluronate 30mg+Chondroitin Sulfate sodium 200mg+ Vitamin C  35mg


Collagen Peptide Type 1:

Supplement decrease hydration of atricur cartilage unrevealing of proteoglycons and their loss in symovial fluid.

Collagen type 1 stimulates osteoblasts in ECM (extra cellular matrix) and restores BMD.

Sodium Hyaluronate:

Major components ECM promote organogenesis.

Acts for- space filling, lubricating joints, cell migration, tissue repair.

Chondroitin Sulfate:

Blocks the enzyme homogentisic oxidase.

Hence prevents collagen breakdown.

Vitamin C:

Cellular health.

Tendon growth repair.

Enable chondroitin / Glucosamine uptage.